But the exciting part of my day was work...if you don't know, I work at an elementary school as an after-school counselor with about 200 kids and I absolutely love it. I love those kids so much! Well anyways...today at work, it was DJ Day...so literally form 3 til 5:15 we just had a huge dance party! It was AWESOME!! I got to bust out my mad dancing skills and have a great time with the kids! Dancing and being around kids sure can make any day a million times better! :)
You have no idea how happy I am that it is the weekend! This week SO stressful with papers and tests. So glad to finally not have to spend my weekend worrying about school and studying the whole time! I plan on taking advantage of this freedom from school work! So my weekend plans are as follows....
*Sleep in!
*Go to the grocery store.
*Cook a delicious meal.
*Get YogaBerry :)
*Go see Dear John! (I have been wanting to see it for months!)

*Watch a movie
*Do a little pre-birthday shopping! :)
Just realized that I only have 2 weeks left of being 21!! Wow...has the past year flown by!!
I hope you all have a fantastic weekend! I hope to post something this weekend...catch y'all later! Muah!

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