I have been thinking a lot lately about what I am going to do and where I am going to go after I graduate in May. I honestly have no idea where to even begin!! Help! A good part of me wants to just go and move somewhere completely new and on my own for once! But then there is a little part of me that thinks that is crazy and wants to stay in my comfort zone...aka move back to Jacksonville. What do I do!?!?? Also where the heck do I start in going about looking for a job? I feel so lost and clueless and I don't like it!! I feel like I am currently very limited in my options because I have no money to just go somewhere without having a job lined up. My parents completely support me (even though I do work part time) and I am completely used to it. I only have a few more months to figure this all out!! Ok I am like having a little freak out right now...but so much has been on my mind lately! So overwhelming! HELP!!! Anyone have any suggestions???

Well, we are in that same boat! If you want to move up North I can give you some tips on job hunting in Pennsylvania, just e-mail me Mwk1331@gmail.com
I'm so desperate I applied for a paid internship! I'd say really work your connections that is what I'm in the middle of starting. Let me know how it goes it's scary!
i graduated with my BA in 2007 and i was in the same boat. unlike my friends, who lived in large cities where they could move home and hoard job paychecks for a year or two so they could afford a house, i just had to go wherever the job took me. at the time, i felt lucky to find a job in louisville, where my boyfriend at the time was moving to. from there, i found an even better career, which softened the blow once the relationship ended.
if you have the option to find a career and save money, use your parents to your advantage. i wish it would have been an option for me. or just apply apply apply and wherever your career takes you, consider it an adventure.
i'm totally in the same boat and have NO CLUE what i am going to do!! i can't wait to branch out and start my own life though...it helps that my friends and i all want to live together!
hey i graduated in 2008 from UF (i know...we are college rivals). i moved back home (sofla) and looked for a job until i finally found one in my field after a few months. but the job market is tight so it won't be easy. i think you should look online and apply any and every where that is somewhat related to your major. start now! if your parents will continue helping you then that is a bonus. when you do graduate just work anywhere (even if it's at a grocery store or whatever) for the income until you find what you want. k.
check me out some time.
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