live. laugh. love.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Favorite Fridays!

I have decided to join in and participate in "Favorite Fridays!" This week's topic is "Favorite Celebrity Couple!"

Favorite Fridays
My Favorite Celebrity Couple is: Tim McGraw and Faith Hill!
I love country this was a fairly easy choice, even though there are many great country celeb couples!
I have always loved Tim McGraw! Can never get enough of his music! And I think Faith is absolutely gorgeous! They are such a great looking couple!!
Love this song that they do together!!

Who is your favorite celebrity couple?



Kelly said...


Christa said...

This was my pick too! They are too cute!

Jen said...

A few people have picked this duo and I totally agree! I feel like you can "feel" love the between them for sure. Thanks for playing and have a fabulous weekend :)

erica said...

They're so cute together! I don't know my favorite celeb couple. I still vote Reese and Ryan even though they are so over... they were too cute together