I am now officially a graduate of THE Florida State University!! Ahhhh so weird! So sorry I haven't blogged in a few days, but I have been super busy with graduation stuff! I really can't believe that I am no longer a college student! So strange feeling! Thought I would fill y'all in on what has been going on and share with y'all some pictures from Saturday's graduation!
Friday: I had the day off from work, which was nice! My parents and grandmother came into town around dinner time and we went to dinner at Bonefish!
{my parents & I at Bonefish!}
{my parents, Granny, & I}
{Katy & I}
Saturday: GRADUATION DAY!! Was up before 6am in order to be ready to leave by 7:30am. Got to the Civic Center a little after 8 and graduation started right at 9am! It was so surreal to be there...it didn't really hit me that I was graduating from college until the President told us to stand and turn our tassels and then declared us as "graduates." Then it hit me. I started to tear up! It hit me that the 4 best years of my life were coming to a close! Thank you FSU, you did me well! :)
{me walking across the stage!!}
{Don't I look happy to be a grad? hehe.}
{with the family after graduation}
After the ceremony we went to lunch at Gordos and then went back to my place and I opened gifts and we had cupcakes!
{Victoria & I}
{my cousin Justin, me, & Victoria}
{Granny with her 2 FSU grad grandkids!}
Then we went back to campus to Wescott to take pictures by the fountain before my parents and grandmother left to head back to Jacksonville!
Later on I met up with friends to continue the celebration at Monk's for food and drinks!
{Victoria & I at Monk's}
All in all, it was a fantastic day that I will never forget!! Thanks to everyone who made it wonderful!
Also, so sorry for the delay in announcing the winner to my first giveaway! But I put all the entries into a hat (15 total entries) and had my roommate draw a random name. The winner of my first giveaway is Annie! Yayy! Thanks to everyone who entered! I hope to do another giveaway sometime this summer!
Hope everyone has a fantastic week!!
Hope everyone has a fantastic week!!

CONGRATS!!!!! :)
Congratulations! You look so pretty!
awww yay congratulations!! :))
Congrats!! :-)
First and foremost, CONGRATULATIONS! You have a bachelors degree!! I hope you are basking in it! Also, I gave you the "Sunshine Award" on my blog today. Hope it brings you a bit of sunshine!
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