I am back from the road trip!! I had a blast! The road trip is just what I needed! My road trip buddy was my friend Amie!
Here is a recap of the trip (warning: it is a tad long & tons of pictures from both mine & Amie's camera):
Sunday: Woke up at 3:30am, picked up Amie, and we were on I-95 by 5:15am! We drove pretty much the whole way without stopping, minus a lunch break, and one random detour. haha. In NC we saw a sign for a Civil War battlefield and decided to get off the exit and check it out. Talk about being in the middle of nowhere! It was miles of cornfields and then a random little museum and battlefield.
After the little detour and about 4 more hours on the road...we arrived in Richmond, VA. After changing out of our car clothes and into nicer clothes we went over to my friend Josh’s house and met up with him and his friend. They then took us on a lovely tour of Richmond, drove around for a bit and then walked around. We went to dinner at a cool pizza place called Bottoms Up and it was very good. It then began to storm, so we stuck around and hung out at the bar and had some drinks! Once the rain stopped we went back out and walked along the Canal Walk. We then somehow ended up going on a random hiking excursion (just to take a picture by the way). It got to be humorous because my friend and I were in the woods hiking around in dresses and sandals..definitely not hiking clothes. All for a picture. hahaha! We definitely had a great time in Richmond!
Monday: We were up and on the road at like 8am! Our destination: Washington, DC!! It was only about an hour and a half car ride (including us getting lost lol) to Alexandria. We left my car at our friend’s apartment and walked to the metro station to take to the city. We went all over the city...we went to the Pentagon, Arlington National Cemetary, Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, and the Capitol building. After exploring the city for the day, we met up with our friend Arielle and walked to Chinatown to a cool restaurant for Happy Hour. We had some drinks and appetizers and then hopped on the metro and headed back to her place! She was wonderful for cooking us dinner and letting us stay with her!
Tuesday: We were up super early and headed back into the city by 6:45am. Had to leave when Arielle went to work. Once again we walked around the city and checked out the White House and the Smithsonian Museum of Air and Space Science. Shorter day in the city because we then drove down to Raleigh, NC. In Raleigh we stayed with one of my good friends, Megan. I hadn’t seen her in years! It was sooo great to see her! We went out to dinner with her, she took us on a tour of NC State, and then we met up with her friends at a bar called Sammy’s for trivia! It was awesome catching up with her!
Wednesday: We got on the road around 11am and drove down to Myrtle Beach! Got to the hotel and then went out to Broadway at the Beach! We walked around the stores, ate dinner at Joe’s Crab Shack and then went to a few of the bars! It was a fun way to end the trip!
Thursday: Woke up, loaded up, and headed down to the beach! We spent the morning hanging out at the beach before heading home. After the beach, we left Myrtle Beach around 1pm and drove back to Jacksonville, FL.
I had a great time thanks to an awesome road trip buddy! :)